Sunday, December 13, 2009

How do you pop an underground zit?

yea...this might sound kinda nasty but i was hoping to go back to school from christmas vacation without this big HUGE red spot on my forehead. its an underground zit and i dont know how to pop it,it hurts soooo bad and it looks terrible.

HELP!!!!!!!!How do you pop an underground zit?
try using a warm, moist compress to speed the'surfacing' of the alleged zit. It will then be much easier to deal with. Or, try tea tree oil applied directly (keep away from mucus membranes)How do you pop an underground zit?
No popping, not on something like this.

IF it is possible....try to go to a dermatologist.

If not...

Tea tree oil might help.

Keep it clean. Try not to touch it.

Try getting a kaolin clay mask type thing from the store and dab it on there at night before you go to bed.

It's just going to take time.
Keep hot compresses (washcloth, wet with hot water) on it for about an hour, it will surface.
get a rag as hot as you can stand to touch and hold it to the bump for several minutes. that will usually bring it to a head. if that doesn't do it then hold a straight pin in a flame for a few seconds to sterilize it then push it into the bump ( not hard or deep, just enough to get past the first layer of skin) then try to pop it. i know you have been told not to pop, that it will scar you, but as a popper my self, i know there are people who pop and people who don't, but i don't even try not to anymore, i would rather pop and then get some mederma for the small scar then walk around with a hideous painful bump
I agree with everyone else-don't try to pop it before it is ready. do things to draw it out like the warm compress and toothpaste idea.
dont pop it at all! it can scar you, which will make matters worse.
try pressing a cold washcloth on it ....or try putting a stick gel that evens out the blemish and then covering it
put some toothpaste on it every night before you go to bed and leave it there. Don't pop it! The toothpaste will dry out the skin and draw the pimple out...I think.....I tried this a couple of times and it worked, so i'm guessing its not just a coincidence!

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